Seven simple ways for a coach to start blogging

Don't be afraid to share your know-how. Today's world is so overwhelmed by experts on various topics that it is not easy to be different. Don't expect clients to find you on their own. Offer them a taste of your added value in advance and reap the rewards of your hard work later. It really will pay off.


Explore the sources of your inspiration

It sounds straightforward but many coaches lack endless sources of inspiration for blogging and thus often lose the motivation to continue. Start by writing down why you do what you do (your inspiration), how you do it (your processes and tools), and what problems and questions you deal with (your solution). This way, you will be able to grasp better specific aspects of your work and the benefits it brings to others.

Don't imagine that your work will be obvious from a mere look at your website. It won't be! Blogging adds a new dimension to communicating with clients to help them better understand the details of your business.

Specify the purpose of blogging

A blog is an excellent tool for managing online content, sharing ideas and obtaining feedback, building a community around your interest, building relationships by documenting your knowledge, and promoting your coaching services. A clear idea of ​​the purpose of the blog will help you set the direction.

Clarify your focus

No doubt all your ideas are great. But you can't do everything at once, even though your specialisation may be broad: you would only confuse clients and search engines in the online space, which categorise you according to the content and topics on your blog. Pay full attention to a specific topic or set of related topics and attract a relevant readership.

Document your knowledge and experience

Most people don't want only to read a blog; they seek solutions to their problems. A blog enables you to solve these problems using text, images, audio and video. The better you solve your community's problems, the better the reactions you will receive.

Be curious

Strive for continuous improvement. Don't stress over the pursuit of long-term goals, or be too burdened with history; focus rather on partial progress and success. Working on a blog is a long-term project which can hardly have one specific goal somewhere at the end.

Respond posts to client inquiries

If you already do business, the easiest way to start creating articles is to respond to questions you receive from clients. At the same time, this will help you create a collection of frequently asked questions and answers, which will then save you time answering the same queries repeatedly, improve the speed and quality of your customer support, and also increase your chances of getting better search engine rankings.

Get started now and optimise later

Don't compare yourself to those who are years ahead of you. The first ever post on your favourite blog was probably not as impressive as the current contributions. Maintain the frequency of writing and publishing new posts. Engage other platforms in communication and be patient. Creative writing skills are trainable and can be improved by regular practice. So don't wait and start blogging today.



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