6 steps to get rid of a negative employer brand


In a recent article on employer branding, we asked five basic questions which should be used to build an employer brand. We explained the fact that each company has a reputation as an employer, e.g. an employer brand. The only difference is whether the company controls it or not. Now, we will go one step further and introduce recommendations from Glassdoor.com focused on how to get rid of a negative employer brand, and turn it in a positive one.

1. Define your new message

Start by defining what message you want to spread about your company. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your corporate culture and focus the new message on your strengths. Publish the most frequently asked questions from job applicants about your company and post answers on your company's career site. Test out the new message on your existing employees.

2. Focus on culture

If the reason for your poor employer brand is a problematic corporate culture, a new message will not be enough. You will need to change the culture, which requires involvement of top management. It will not be easy to do but your best argument is the company's promise to future employees.

3. Involve existing employees

Establish an employee referral program. Reward employees for recommending new talents. This is a perfect way of improving employer branding. Employees themselves will spread your positive reputation among their contacts.

4. Establish internships for students

Build your reputation as an employer who is supportive of students. Offer internships involving both work experience and fun. This will help you strengthen the awareness of your company among the schools, faculty, former interns, their families and the community.

5. Cooperate with marketing

Ask your colleagues from the PR departments and marketing to help you promote the employer brand. Explain the differences between an employer and a consumer brand and the message you want to spread.

6. Focus on the internet

In addition to the career section on your company's website, start working on social networks. Create company profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn and other networks, always addressing a target audience. Share photos and videos of your corporate life, introduce your leaders and corporate values. It is important to regularly update the content so that potential employees will want to remain connected with you.


Article source Glassdoor - free jobs and career community that offers the world an inside look at jobs and companies
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