Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Abravito.cz – Your Guide to the Professional IT Training with the Largest Selection of 16,000 Courses and 180 Providers in the Czech Republic

IT training is becoming one of the key areas in which companies and institutions have invested…

A good leader can learn from mistakes: Interview with Dr. Robert Hogan, icon of the psychodiagnostics

Dr. Robert Hogan, spiritual father of psychodiagnostics, was a distinguished guest at the May…

Tears of truth

The eyes of Lucie, the Human Resources Manager, blurred and she shed a tear. She apologized: "sorry…

Recipe to build the passion: problem as catalysator, listening of the person desire, confirmation by the events

“A boy 11 years old needs his father” said my son’s teacher during the meeting between parents and…

Optimise the cost of your L&D programmes in 2021

Education and development managers find themselves in a difficult situation during this period.…

Study: How effective are foreign language learning applications?

Researchers from the University of Michigan recently conducted a study on Babbel, the popular e-…

Study: Digital education is on the rise

Digital education is growing in popularity. Through remote personal development, people are seeking…

Neurological aspects of learning and their use in building an L&D programme (2/2)

Many companies are still trying to iron out the kinks in their Learning & Development…

Neurological aspects of learning and their use in building an L&D programme (1/2)

Many companies are still trying to iron out the kinks in their Learning & Development…

Listing 1 to 9 out of 30