Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

The new era also brings new threats to employers

The teleworking of employees increases company risks, such as fraud or leaks of confidential…

Five types of conversation managers should have with team members

Communication plays a key role within teams. And the team manager is the role model and creator of…

The most common problems in communication of a manager with the rest of the team

Excellent internal communication is a must in the successful management of any team. Even though…

Motivate employees to confide in you

For managing talent and implementing effective changes at the workplace, an HR specialist needs…

Teaching senior management to take younger colleagues seriously

Most companies realise the importance of diversity among employees and the necessity of letting in…

Four reasons why you should resolve conflicts publicly

An open working environment means that employees are not afraid to speak out, issues are discussed…

6 steps towards mastering the art of giving feedback

Within HR, management and team leadership, giving feedback is a crucial tool which is necessary for…

Current trends in HR technology

A well-functioning HR department is the cornerstone of every successful company. Human-centric…

4 steps towards stronger internal communication

Internal communication helps companies succeed. However, it must bring clear and interesting…

Listing 10 to 18 out of 127