Employee training has a number of functions. Firstly, it increases the quality, productivity and…
Join us for "Nuclear Leadership," an exclusive online webinar that dives into the complexities of…
Is it possible to motivate people without using more money? How to create a 'want to stay' workplace…
IT training is becoming one of the key areas in which companies and institutions have invested…
Dr. Robert Hogan, spiritual father of psychodiagnostics, was a distinguished guest at the May…
Brussels Bobcat headquarters February 2007: Telephone call from Marek, the Russian manager “Laurent,…
The eyes of Lucie, the Human Resources Manager, blurred and she shed a tear. She apologized: "sorry…
Quality and targeted training of employees is key in keeping a company competitive and helping it…
“A boy 11 years old needs his father” said my son’s teacher during the meeting between parents and…