Above-average enarnings in the Czech republic only in Prague


Czechs working in Prague eanr the most in the whole country. Compared with people in other regions, these people earn even ten thousand crowns more. The most striking difference is among people working in commerce, economics, finance, accounting, tourism, gastronomy, and hotel industry.

According to the online salary survey by Platy.cz involving 300 people a day, the salary in Prague is 26 percent hiugher than average in the remaining regions. In th Cezch Internet population, the average gross monthly salary paid in the Czech Republic is CZK 25,303 per month.

People working in the Karlovy Vary Region (20,269 CZK) Vysocina Region (CZK 21,914) and the Olomouc Region (21,924 CZK) earn the least. Salary of the people in these regions is 20% lower than the national average.

People with the lowest education earn less than in each region. The difference between how much people who have completed only primary education earn in Prague and those with primary education in other regions is, however, 17% on average.

People with higher education earn an average CZZ 38,849 in Prague a month. People with the same education in the Olomouc region earn nearly ten thousand crowns less. The average salary of university educated people in the Olomouc region is CZK 29,125.

Overall, the average earnings of university-educated people in the regions are 21% lower than in Prague.


Article source Profesia.cz - a Czech job portal
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