Guide to coaching from A to Z


Anyone who can listen, show empathy, shar his knowledge and ask questions can be a coach. All these qualities are natural for humans. So, if you want to become a good coach, you need to find your natural coaching style and learn to work with your abilities in a way that will best suit the specific situations and coachees.

Whenever you get into a potential coaching situation, consciously think of yourself as a coache. Try to discover who you are, what you think and how you can develop as a coach. A practical guide by Roffey Park, a British consulting company, describing different possibilities of successful coaching from A to Z (26 rules) can help you.

We present some of the recommendations below. You can read the whole guide here: Coaching - A Guide to Developing your skills and passion.

1. Autonomy

Every coach must respect the personal autonomy of his coachees in order to create an atmosphere in which coaching will be able to manage their own thinking and actions. carefully watch who dominates the conversation with your coachees. You should not be the one who dominates.

2. Boundaries

The most important boundary in a coaching relationship is confidentiality. It's up to the coachees - not you - whether and what they want to share with other people in the organization. Other borders should be arranged. It is mainly about providing feedback and measure the success of the coaching process.

3. Challenges

The purpose of coaching is to expand people's perspective and leave dysfunctional ways of thinking. The atmosphere of mutual respect and trust encourages challenges to change dysfunctional ideas. It is uo to you to ask.

4. Developing others

Coaching is about development for better performance. Individual coaching style have already become a legitimate part of productive leadership - your daily work.

5. Empathy

You cannot coach without empathy. Coach must be able to look at things through the eyes of his coachees and sense how they feel and think in concrete situations.


Article source Roffey Park - a U.K. HR consultancy
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