Video as a recruitment tool in 2021

Most of us hope that in 2021 restrictions resulting from the pandemic will be lifted. However, the pandemic integration of technology into workplace processes will remain with us. Virtual recruitment is fast becoming the preferred choice over traditional methods.


Video communication platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet are key to keeping employees connected and productive remotely. But, while these platforms are perfect substitutes for face-to-face team and client meetings, they may not always be the best tool for interviewing job candidates. Many organisations have found pre-recorded videos even more effective than live video communication in screening candidates.

Pre-recorded videos versus live virtual interviews in real time

Live video interviews are similar to traditional in-person interviews. The only real difference is that they are implemented on video-communication platforms such as Zoom. Otherwise, the format does not differ greatly from a traditional interview.

Pre-recorded videos, on the other hand, are something completely different. They are one-way video interviews, which means candidates record their answers to questions and then recruiters check these videos asynchronously.

The flow of information usually works by the company setting out a list of questions to answer; candidates are redirected to the landing page where they can view the questions and read the instructions. They then record their answers on video and submit them. Recruitment staff thus have the space to go through the materials and, for example, compare them directly with the answers of others.

Pre-recorded video chats can offer several benefits that traditional and live video chats lack. For example:

1. Saving time and money

There is a widespread belief that live video interviews are more cost-effective and time-efficient than traditional interviews. This is not necessarily true. Live online interviews require exactly the same time schedule, personnel and time investment as face-to-face interviews. And, as everyone knows, time equals money. The only real difference is that no one has to travel.

Another disadvantage is that interviewers can often tell during the first few minutes of an interview whether a candidate is suitable. However, even if someone is clearly unsuitable, you cannot just abruptly end the interview; you still need to go through the motions, including spending more time with the candidate you already know you will hire.

On the other hand, pre-recorded videos do not require any scheduling coordination. Candidates can upload videos that cost them a limited amount of time, and recruiters can watch these videos at a time of their own choice. Moreover, if the recruitment manager decides a particular candidate is not suitable, they may simply move on to the next video.

2. Facilitating a more objective comparison between candidates

If we regard recruitment as a scientific experiment, pre-recorded video interviews can help minimise variables. Each candidate is asked the same questions and given the same time to answer. This helps level the playing field by ensuring all candidates are evaluated according to the same criteria. Videos can also be re-watched and shared with other team members to obtain more feedback. You will thus get a more balanced evaluation of the candidate.

3. Supporting the positive experience of the candidate

High quality talent is most attracted to companies that provide a convenient application process. Pre-made videos can help with that: they provide flexibility that helps candidates perform at their best and, thanks to the convenience of the process, candidates feel more enthusiastic about working for your company.

4. Testing candidates' motivation and other soft skills

Incorporating the next step of video recording into the application process might help discourage candidates who are not seriously interested in the given position. In this way, pre-recorded videos can help you cultivate a more high-quality candidate list more consistently. By watching a candidate's video, hiring managers can also get a better sense of their personality and key soft skills such as emotional intelligence, charisma and communication.


Incorporating pre-recorded video interviews into your admissions process will help you gain an edge over the competition in 2021. Have you already tried them, or are you planning to try them?


Article source - a U.S. career and employment website
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