Why do call center employees leave?


High staff turnover is one of the traditional problems of call centers. However, according to the British server Call Centre Helper, agents are not leaving just because of the high mental workload of their work or because of low wages. The main reason lies in their problems with direct superiors. The three most common reasons for call center agents' leaving include:

1. Too strict rules

The work of call center agents obviously has its rules the aim of which is to handle phone calls without delays. They also have to observe the technical parameters of the system used to manage calls. However, a too excessive control by managers does more harm than good. Is it really so important which tie your agents wear or whether they leave the office to have a snack?

2. Lack of recognition for good work

Direct supervisors play a key role in motivation. That is why they should not forget how important it is to give praise. Why should your people show the best performance when you do not even notice it?

3. Bad impression on newcomers

The first weeks of work should not be an exhibition of chaos and boredom for your new agents. What do you think they will think about you when they see that you do not care of the first impression you are making?

Call Centre Helper recommends the following steps to keep your operators longer:

1. Show you believe them

As long as they meet their obligations, let them have a smoke or go outside the building during their breaks. Constantly remind your managers that when they see an example of a good work, they should thank for it and try to express their appreciation publicly. Criticism, on the contrary, should always be addressed privately.

2. Show you value them

A proven way to show employees that you appreciate them is to give them more responsibility. Each agent should understand the importance of his position and be able to prove that he is good in his work. Do not waste your people's enthusiasm.

3. Show you are with them

Superiors' interest increases employee motivation. Managers should therefore be visible among the agents and communicate with them face to face. They should keep their promises and commitments made to the subordinates. If you arrange a meeting, come on time. If you promise a reward, provide it.


Article source Call Centre Helper - British weekly online call centre magazine
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