A New Year's resolution for HR professionals: Retain your talent


The battle for talent does not stop even in periods of economic downturn, let alone now when there are more job offers than in the last few years and the best workers can choose who to work for. So if you are still seeking a professional resolution for this year, we have a tip for you. Try to focus more on how to retain your best talent. According to CareeBuilder.com, you can immediately start implementing the following steps to strengthen the motivation, satisfaction and loyalty of your employees.

Find your talent

Most processes used to identify talented workers in companies are only short-term and superficial. Knowing who your greatest talents are and how they can help you meet your future needs is, however, fundamental. So focus on a deeper talent identification in relation to the current and future needs of the company.

Change your reward structures

Traditional reward systems take into account particularly employees' longevity and external experience. Talented workers who have developed their potential while working for you thus usually earn less than their value in the labour market. Look for ways to enhance the remuneration of these people.

Improve recruitment

If you hire talent from outside, hire the very best. Even a well-functioning organisation will benefit when other excellent people come on board. Encourage healthy competition between workers which will motivate them to perform better. Do not tolerate mediocrity and certainly not underperformance.

Be more personal

Deal with talents on a personal level. Build personal relationships and manage their careers based on individual needs and possibilities. But beware of crossing the fine line between the personal approach and favouritism at the expense of others.

Stop talking and start doing

Talent management requires careful planning and a lot of meetings. However, if you spend more time talking about talent than implementing your plans, it is time to change.


Article source CareerBuilder - the largest online job site in the U.S
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