How to prevent your best employees from departing


Top performing employees do not leave their employers suddenly. Their behaviour usually shows signs of intention to leave quite a while before they actually leave. They start to be absent more frequently than in the past and lose their work habits. They fail to meet deadlines more often, have lower performance and make more mistakes. You should also be conspicuous when an employee who has been excellent and highly motivated so far starts to have personal conflicts with colleagues and superiors.

Another warning signal is a change in the previous warm and open approach to team activities and volunteer projects. Last but not least, there are small details that are often not given enough importance such as more frequent visits to psysicians, more frequent internet surfing, late arrivals, long lunches, more incoming calls or closing in a conference room to handle phone calls.

If you want to avoid losing the best employees, carefully follow these details and respond as soon as you feel that someone wants to leave. Start with the following steps.

Re-sell the work for you

Do not give any chance to recruiters of competing companies and actively remind your best people about what is unique on your business and about the benefits resulting from working for you.

Offer career development plans

Carry out performance evaluations and talk with your people about their career goals. Discuss how you could  structure the jobs in your company more effectively.

Introduce training across different parts of the company (cross-training)

If there are not many opportunities to be promoted in your company, offer employees the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills through cross-training.

Introduce group mentoring programs

In addition to traditional mentoring (one mentor and one mentee), create groups of mentors from different fields of your business who will assist with the development of particular high-potential employees. The groups should meet regularly and brainstorm to assist with developing specific employees' strengths and achieving their goals.

Provide flexible working arrangements

The possibility of flexible work can give you a major advantage over your competitors. It should, however, be based on the actual needs of an employee.

Increase salaries

While money is not everything, it is still the most important factor for many people. The structure of your salaries and benefits should be regularly evaluated to maintain competitive.


Article source Changeboard - a global HR community
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