How to recognise an employee who is disengaged

Employees are the most important component of company activity. They accept the values ​​and principles of the company as their own. It is important to watch for signs of when workers suddenly cease to engage, their principles are no longer consistent with those of the company, and they make no effort to succeed. But how to recognise this?


Slow pace, irregular attendance, low productivity. These are typical signs of an employee who is disengaged and demotivated. Once such characteristics have surfaced, it can be very difficult, or even almost impossible, to reverse the situation or even somehow influence it.

Therefore it is recommended managers fight this problem as soon as they start to detect such signs in a worker. Here is a list of the most common symptoms of an employee becoming withdrawn, ceasing to engage and basically just giving up.

Lack of interest in developing relationships 

A disengaged employee suddenly withdraws into themselves. Given their lack of enthusiasm for work, they tend to maintain relations with the company and colleagues only when it is absolutely essential to do so. They do not participate in social conversations or activities. Building any healthy or meaningful relationship with a co-worker or superior is definitely not a priority for them.

A clear sign of a lack of interest in work is avoiding out-of-work events. An employee's quiet side may be attributed to shyness or introversion; the same could apply to no interest or enthusiasm for a new task or corporate success. If, however, you see these characteristics appear in someone for the first time, it is evidently an engagement problem.

Decreasing efficiency and productivity

Another clear sign of zero engagement is declining efficiency - especially if up to a certain point the employee used to be highly productive. Suddenly they start ignoring deadlines, taking things easy, or performing at only 50%. They may also take breaks more often than is allowed or possibly not even turn up to work. If there are such changes in someone's behaviour, it is obvious they will ignore any supervisor's warnings or colleagues' efforts and remain indifferent to them.

Absenteeism is perhaps one of the most obvious warning signs of non-alignment. The worker always finds a reason to avoid work. While the reasons for the absences may differ, you suddenly notice a disproportionate increase in the number of days when the employee is missing. If this is not supported by a credible and valid justification, then it is another clear sign of disengagement.

Lack of empathy

An uncommitted employee has days when they may be dissatisfied with something or someone. But constant rudeness or lack of empathy represent another symptom and warning sign of disengagement. An employee may seem distant in communication with a client or colleague, for example, because they do not care about the consequences, or because for a long time they have been keeping their true feelings in check. Ignorance of anything also leads to disengagement.


Article source The HR Digest - he HR Digest is an international magazine about human resources
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