7 hard truths about the position of HR in a company


In an ideal world, HR Directors would be sitting at the board table with corporate top management, employees would handle everything online and present their reports on time and recruiters would immediately respond to each incoming CV. This is a reflection opening the article titled "The Seven Hard Truths That HR Professionals Must Learn to Accept" published on tlnt.com in July 2011.

Since this article has become one of the most popular articles over the past year, let us take a thought over these "hard truths". Accepting an unpleasant fact does not automatically mean giving up on efforts to reach a more prosperous future. The point is to perceive reality as the basis of our efforts to gain a better position the industry.

  1. If you focus only on compliance, you will never become strategic.

  2. Your performance management system will never solve all your problems.

  3. You will never have all the resources to do your jobs the way you want.

  4. Disclosure of your deepest corporate secrets depends on just a single contribution to a social network and you do not have the power to prevent it completely.

  5. Your employees and managers will never be fully able to get by with only self-service software tools.

  6. Despite all your efforts, intimate relationships will still be formed among employees.

  7. You will never have such a strong respect that you deserve.


Article source TLNT - a U.S. blog for human resource and talent management leaders
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