Achieve higher performance and longer tenures

Many organisations have problems nowadays finding people with the necessary skills or experience. Thus retaining employees remains a critical issue. If you want to avoid the headaches associated with the lack of a skilled workforce, you should do what you can to reduce attrition. How to go about it?


Focus on company culture, which should foster employee engagement and also create an environment where everyone feels a sense of purpose.

Create a sense of belonging and offer opportunities for development

Perks like an espresso bar or free lunches are nice to have. But what is truly crucial are inspiring leaders who take the growth and development of their employees seriously. Without such leaders, employees may fail to believe in the long-term success of the organisation. Or they may doubt whether there is long-term success for them personally within the organisation.

Do what you can to create a strong sense of purpose, then foster and maintain it. Make sure that your employees are enthusiastic about their work. Start by understanding the key drivers of engagement for them. A team always consists of a unique mix of people motivated by different things. Managers need to understand their staff and respond to their needs. Inspire people, co-create the right vision. Ask for frequent feedback. This advice comes from

Use people-centric feedback model to prevent attrition

In order to show your employees they are appreciated, stop gathering feedback only by an annual survey. Do it more often. Amazon, for example, solicits feedback from employees every day and uses it to improve workplace culture.

Forget about disconnected annual surveys; those are not enough. You need to collect feedback during the entire employee journey, starting with onboarding. Talk with managers and with the rest of the team. Seek opinions regularly. That is how you can start having productive conversations and change things for the better.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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