Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

6 tips to prevent flu in the workplace

An influenza epidemic has entered the Czech Republic. It is, therefore, appropriate not to rely only…

How to avoid flu at work

The flu season is approaching and therefore it is high time to recall the rules for fl prevention so…

Tips for a healthier and more productive sedentary job

Although studies show that we should enjoy a ten minute break every one hour of work to maintain…

Tips for promoting healthy eating in the workplace

Poor eating habits during working days greatly contribute to obesity. Workplaces are therefore ideal…

Study: Longer sleep during the weekend makes you even more sleepy

Do you enjoy sleeping longer at weekends? Do you feel that you have to sleep for the same time you'…

Study: Working before birth as bad as smoking

Children of women who work in the ninth month of pregnancy weigh about 230 grams less than in the…

Epilepsy in the Workplace - A Practical Guide

More than 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy making it the most common neurological…

Smoke-Free Workplaces campaign launched

Smoke-Free Workplaces. This is the name of a new campaign by the European Agency for Safety and…

Even the work on PC requires proper posture

Employees spending most of their working hours sitting at the computer struggle with crooked back,…

Listing 19 to 27 out of 27