Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Criticism of employers on social networks can backfire

Anybody who is dissatisfied with something can easily share his complaints and frustrations with the…

New rules for compensating occupational injuries and diseases in the Czech Republic

A new government regulation was published in connection with the new Czech Labor Code which came…

Study: Reasons for retirement in the Czech Republic

Health-related problems and the unfavourable situation of elderly people on the labour market: these…

Maternity leave around the world

Parents in the Czech Republic can take one of the longest maternity leaves in the world. On the one…

UK to introduce compulsory gender pay reports

The British government has made public a preliminary consultation of its draft of mandatory gender…

A man in favour of quotas for women on boards

The idea of introducing mandatory quotas for female representation on corporate boards raises fierce…

EU law: Obesity can be considered a disability

The European Court of Justice pronounced a breakthrough judgment in the field of equal treatment of…

Shared maternity leave started in the UK

The law on sharing maternity leave, the so-called Shared Parental Leave Regulations 2014, came into…

Germany close to approving the law on quotas for women on boards

The German government coalition has completed its bill which introduces mandatory quotas for…

Listing 10 to 18 out of 56