Search results

Your query "Organizace pracovn" has returned 459 articles.

icon Do not work harder, but smarter. What does this actually mean in practice?


Professional and self-development literature often suggests that higher productivity and career success is not necessarily based on working more but, most importantly, on working smarter. But what…

Článek v rámci předplatného Five tips on creating a culture of learning and desire for knowledge in your organisation


Do you want to create a culture at your company that values education, training and the desire to push oneself further? Are you trying to get your employees to learn more and be more interested in the…

Článek v rámci předplatného Organising company events and parties: Five things to keep in mind to avoid trouble


Company events are very specific. On the one hand, it is still a work environment and the participants are colleagues, but on the other hand, the atmosphere is often more relaxed than during a regular…

Violeta Malár Momiroska, KBC Group: Critical thinking and vision are required when implementing new SuccessFactors processes

20.7.2023  Interview with Violetou Malár Momirosky, Chief Human Resources Officer, IT & Facility at KBC Group, Shared Services & Operations, CZ&BG

For the efficient functioning of the entire company and individual employees, it is important to have well-managed processes. For that reason, KBC Global Services introduced SAP SuccessFactors and is…

icon Leading a multi-generational team? Then these four tips are for you


Do you manage a team in which some members belong to the younger generation and others to the older? Are you wondering how best to use the capabilities of all your subordinates and help your multi-…

Kimberly Nei, Assessment Systems: Diversity is all about the diversity of people

3.5.2023  Interview with Kimberly Nei, Director of Talent Analytics, Assessment Systems International

Every company deals with the issue of talent selection for its teams. To help with this, they can evaluate analytics that, based on job profiles, will help with the selection of suitable candidates.…

icon Five lessons on leadership from a US Marines drill instructor


Many people may think the military management style in the army relies solely on absolute loyalty and a directive, uncompromising way of issuing orders. The reality is much more complex: drill…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Seven things that need attention if you want to become a team leader


Do you wish to climb the career ladder or want to work on yourself and give your best working performance? Only those who consistently show traits that raise them above others are rewarded in terms of…

icon Stress kills the potential of your team. Four tips on how to eliminate it


A manager should always try to support a sustainable working style of their team. This is because high stress levels and performance pressure in the long run cause a significant reduction in…

How to create effective teams nowadays?

29.9.2022  Interview with Ryne Sherman of Hogan Assessment Systems International

Ryne Sherman, you are a Senior Scientist at Hogan Assessment Systems International. It is a great pleasure to have you here on HRtv. Your presentation at the conference for Hogan Assessment CR was…

icon Tips on increasing your team's productivity


Is your team seeing a drop in productivity? Do you want them to improve their results, work more efficiently and increase their overall productivity? Try the following methods that will help you…

icon How to recognise a toxic environment dominates in your team


Toxic environment: a frequently used expression in the context of being both a major enemy of productivity and sustainability, and one of the most common reasons why people leave their jobs. It is an…

icon What effective time management looks like – and how to teach it to subordinates


Time management, in other words effective organisation of time and work, is a key skill of any employee in any given field. This article looks at the principles and pillars of effective time…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Areas in which managers should never stop learning


As a manager, you most likely want your subordinates to know about modern trends, keep developing themselves, apply new procedures and continue learning. Yet managers often neglect themselves in this…

icon Do you get more than 70 e-mails a day? Tips on managing and working with them


In many enterprises, e-mail is the primary communication channel among workers. Other programs also often generate notifications in the form of an e-mail; moreover, official communication is…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 459