Search results

Your query "Osobnosti, rozhovory, report����e" has returned 182 articles.

Článek v rámci předplatného What to pay attention to internal recruitment?


Although it may seem vice versa at first glance, internal recruitment is as challenging as recruiting entirely new people. If companies want to retain quality people, they should learn to take into…

When employees are helpless like children...


Imagine a manager complaining: "Look, I am here from dawn to dusk. I do not mind being here, I like it. But all the people here are, pardon me, like children. They are absolutely helpless. I must…

What should line managers know about HR?


Do you as an HR professional encounter line managers' misunderstandings of the roles and responsibilities of HR? Then, the recommendations listed below on what exactly you should explain to line…

Článek v rámci předplatného Corporate nursery opened at UniCredit Bank Czech Republic


Children of the employees of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic started attending the new corporate nursery near its Prague headquarters in September. The nursery is aimed at children from 18 months of age…

Článek v rámci předplatného Want to be in? Get your internal social network


Internal social networks are becoming more and more popular in companies. Why? People love social networks such as Facebook and they welcome when they can work using something similar. Michal Martoch,…

Článek v rámci předplatného Diversity? What a new fad?


Diversity is a basic quality of systems expressing variedness of their elements. It is often seen as a measure of stability of a system because a uniform system mostly collapse in a crisis while in a…

Google implements death benefits


The above-standard employee benefits at Google are well-known all over the world, whether it's a hairdresser, two free meals a day, company doctors and nurseries or the latest Japanese "space"…

Článek v rámci předplatného Leadership as a service


The so-called Servant Leadership (leadership as a service) is the concept of leadership named by an American writer, speaker and consultant Robert Greenleaf in his essay The Servant as Leader which…

Ulrich, Brockbank, Younger, Ulrich: HR from the Outside In: Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources (book, McGraw-Hill, 2012)


One of the most influential personalities in the field of HR - author of the concept of HR business partnership, consultant and professor at the University of Michigan Dave Ulrich - has just…

Dave Ulrich's new book - HR from the Outside In


One of the most influential personalities in the field of HR - author of the concept of HR business partnership, consultant and professor at the University of Michigan Dave Ulrich - has just released…

Why do I have more women in my team?


Vše jako by nasvědčovalo tomu, že ruku v ruce s vývojem doby jsou lidé stále méně empatičtí. Prokazatelný úbytek empatických schopností se stává viditelným. Tradiční společenská schémata přestávají…

Článek v rámci předplatného Will the Facebook job board put LinkedIn at risk?


At the beginning of July, media all around the world brought the information that Facebook will launch its own job board already in August. The Wall Street Journal was the first to publish it.…

Článek v rámci předplatného Ho to deal with obnoxious HR clients


Do you as a representative of HR in your company have a client from senior management who is literally your nightmare? He is the one about whom you are not sure whether he hates HR in general or you…

Agile talent management strategy


Large and well-known companies that have so far been dominant have problems with their competitiveness today because they are not agile enough to constantly adjust their approaches to talent…

Článek v rámci předplatného There is no excuse for not knowing the business


7 Ways To Build Your Credibility in HR — And Knock Your Clients’ Socks Off! The title of another article with practical advice from an experienced HR man, former HR manager at PepsiCo and…

Listing 136 to 150 out of 182