Human resources – HR news

Study: Workaholism not detrimental to employee health

If you love your job, workaholism will not hurt you. Moreover, it will bring you both  physical and psychological advantages over ordinary workers and…

Save on purchasing education on the internet

Offering a cheaper alternative to HR proffessionals seeking training for…

Článek v rámci předplatného HR and marketing should work more closely

"HR and marketing, as business functions, have a lot more in common than…

Secondary school graduates wanted for administravite jobs, university graduates in IT

In 2011, the total number of job offers published on the Czech job portal…

Tomáš Barčík, MBA profesionální kouč, člen ICF

Responsibility of an external coach in the process of coaching corporate employees

The International Coaching Week (ICW, 5. - 11. February, 2012), organized…

Almost a third of young people in the Czech Republic works flexibly

Young people from 25 to 34 years receive the most benefits in the Czech…

Článek v rámci předplatného 12 tips for sending employees abroad in 2012

What can multinational companies do to align their policies for sending…

Článek v rámci předplatného Study: Most women in management found in the former communist block

The average representation of men and women in managerial positions in…

UK: First employee brings a case for dismissal because of his profile on LinkedIn

John Flexman (34) is the first Briton who brought a case against his former…

Global leaders development in GE

GE launched a project called Global New Directions that involved 21…

Trends in employer branding for 2012

Trends in employer branding for 2012

Brett Minchington, the CEO of Employer Brand International, took part in…

Guide to coaching from A to Z

Anyone who can listen, show empathy, shar his knowledge and ask questions…

Britain relies on contributions for employment of young people

Up to £2,257 for each newly recruited employee aged 18 to 24 years.…

Listing 586 to 598 out of 658