Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

The structure and content of a quality cover letter

You do not learn much about a person from a CV as it has a fairly strictly given structure, there is…

5 non-traditional tips on writing a great cover letter

If you are applying for a job, there are three areas where you must perform 100% to have the best…

LinkedIn: The most common clichés in online CVs in 2017

The number of users of the professional social network LinkedIn surpassed 500 million in 2017. They…

Microsoft Outlook has started showing LinkedIn profiles

In the middle of last year, Microsoft bought the LinkedIn professional social network for $26 …

Poor LinkedIn profiles: a view from recruiters

Recruiters devote an enormous amount of time to studying LinkedIn profiles, most of which, after a…

LinkedIn: Most common clichés of users and recruiters in 2016

The number of users of the professional social network LinkedIn reached more than 467 million in…

Too long with one employer. How do you explain?

The labor market is getting faster and faster. The times when being employed at one employer for…

Computers replacing recruiters more and more

The next time you apply for a job, whether you will be hired or not may depend on a computer.…

Diversity at the BBC: blind CVs are just the beginning

New employees of the British public TV and radio broadcaster BBC can expect to be asked whether they…

Listing 10 to 18 out of 33