Human resources – HR news

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How will recruitment change in the next ten years?

How will recruitment look in circa 2020-2025? Lou Adler, an American expert on recruiting top talent and best-selling author, asked this question in his recent…

Study: Women, men and working conditions in Europe

Access to the labor market, the structure of jobs and related working…

Seven dialects of a strategic HR professional

HR professionals hear from all sides that they must "be strategic" and "…

4 steps to a closer partnership of HR and business

In recent years, there has been much discussion in HR about the concept of…

Study: HR follow the path of shared services and new technologies

Companies around the world continue to change their HR processes into…

Why You Should Not Underestimate the Power of HR

At the end of May, published an article by Carol Anderson who had…

icon Are you ready for coaching?

Coaching is not only popular, but also a very effective tool for personal…

Utilize data from exit interviews effectively

As an HR professional, you have surely heard many different reasons given…

8 roles of HR in companies: Do you play them?

Is HR really just a necessary evil in companies? This question was asked in…

The rules of credibility and good reputation in HR

This time on his Success in HR blog, the former Vice President of HR at…

5 steps to a more strategic role of HR in the post-crisis period

The time when the economy is recovering from the recession is the right…

Measure, measure, measure

If human resources want to play a strategic role in a company, they need…

Strategic workforce planning in ten steps

The last year's global study by KPMG titled Rethinking Human Resources in a…

Listing 196 to 208 out of 255