Human resources – HR news

How to create an environment in which employees are not afraid to talk to HR

Unfortunately, in many companies, the HR department is still seen as a tool of management. In other words, HR primarily has management's interests at heart;…

Článek v rámci předplatného How to introduce a new employee evaluation system effectively and painlessly

In the past year, many companies have had to go through restructuring of…

Four reasons to support camaraderie at the workplace

For any team to reach its full potential, there must be more than just a…

Článek v rámci předplatného The most common mistakes in the recruitment process

Mistakes in the recruitment of new employees can cost a company dearly.…

Článek v rámci předplatného HR department: employees' ally or enemy?

In an ideal world, employees should regard the HR department as their ally…

Článek v rámci předplatného Some tips on organising a new employee's first day

The first day a new employee onboards your company, in addition to the many…

Článek v rámci předplatného Four unusual interview questions that will reveal a lot about a candidate

Every candidate who is interested in the offered position will prepare for…

A toxic working environment: spotting a problem and fixing it

How do you detect a toxic working environment? There are numerous signals,…

Five steps to prevent employee burnout

The Covid pandemic, uncertainty, downsizing, new orders, new work agendas…

Pros and cons of remote working

The coronavirus pandemic forced many workers to leave the office and work…

Stress: hindrance or help?

Stress is a typical problem in many modern workplaces. Too much stress…

Článek v rámci předplatného 10 questions you should ask at an interview for a customer service position

Are you tasked with recruiting a customer service agent? In order to make…

Článek v rámci předplatného What does a CRM or UX manager do? A description of six jobs in online marketing

The online marketing and IT environments continue to evolve. Therefore, the…

Listing 66 to 78 out of 1797