Human resources – HR news

How to manage an employee with insufficient self-reflection

Unfortunately, not everyone has enough self-reflection to be able to take a critical look at their abilities and learn from their own mistakes or the experience of…

Sabrina Dick, SAP

During the pandemic, we had to teach our employees that it's okay to take a break - 1st part

We are delighted to bring to HR News an extensive interview with Sabrina…

Three steps towards eliminating useless meetings

Meetings and team briefings: sometimes justified and effective, but often…

Laurent Laval, Arthur Hunt

Transform your employees into artists: They will find a sense in what they do and stay

It’s October 2007. Paul, Sales Manager of a Bobcat importer in Norway,…

21 communication tips that will come in handy this year

No one chooses to be a bad communicator. However, many HR professionals can…

Measuring impact and ROI in online education needs to be more rigorous

To support and fund virtual learning in the new era, programmes must…

Why virtual education programmes fail (and what to do about it)

For many years, experts from the international company ROI Institute have…

Video as a recruitment tool in 2021

Most of us hope that in 2021 restrictions resulting from the pandemic will…

How to write a job description

The correct job description attracts the right candidates. Job descriptions…

Six things to help HR learn from past recessions

COVID-19 has slowed down the economy in the same way as the mortgage crisis…

Článek v rámci předplatného Few employers are able to identify and effectively solve employees' problems with alcohol and drugs

The latest British CIPD survey on drug and alcohol management at work…

Who is responsible for employee involvement in the "new normal"?

New ways of working will require more flexibility and employee involvement.…

Do you sense the home office model is not working at your company?

For most full-time employees used to commuting to the office, the…

Listing 40 to 52 out of 919