Human resources – HR news

Five habits of managers that employees hate

One of the most common reasons for employees changing jobs nowadays is falling out with their boss or disagreeing with the company culture as promoted by company…

Three tips on supporting departmental team spirit

Mutual trust, creativity and a feeling of togetherness. All this helps…

Three unique traits of potential leaders

Many people believe leaders are born, not made. But this is not true. Many…

How to make sure employees enjoy going to work

A happy employee is loyal to the company and, moreover, works much better…

How to get a return on investment in your employees

It is employees who make up a company. Without their satisfaction and high…

Five managerial soft skills that make employees happier

Keeping quality employees and having them fulfil their work potential is…

Seven ideas for motivating employees and improving their work ethic

From time to time, everyone needs help with motivation and the same goes…

Článek v rámci předplatného Benefits of a company culture that is hospitable to employees

Company culture, including the working style which is promoted and…

Using praise as a successful motivational tool

If you ask managers and HR specialists what keeps employees at work and…

Talent management: the difference between commanding and coaching

One of the main aims of HR departments is to establish internal company…

Millennials are hard to get along with, according to statistics

Millennials, also known as "Generation Y", are young people born between…

Achieve higher performance and longer tenures

Many organisations have problems nowadays finding people with the necessary…

Membership of one employee in more teams: pros and cons

The expression "multi-team membership" has begun to appear a lot lately in…

Listing 131 to 143 out of 917