Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

How to get to the top in HR

Achieving the position of an HR manager or director is not just a matter of HR expertise and knowing your company's business. You also have to have certain personal…

How to start measuring the effectiveness of employee training

What can't be measured, does not exist. This rule, originally applied only…

Recruitment: How to make it faster without rushing

Time-to-hire is one of the most commonly used metrics in HR. It indicates…

Study: New tasks for the new generation of HR managers

The economic recession forced companies to focus on short-term goals and…

Cyber security as a matter of HR

Leaks of confidential data from companies are still not uncommon. They may…

Human resources have a lot to learn

The human resources department is in a unique position in a company, unlike…

6 essential strategic skills of HR professionals

Companies with capable HR departments are doing better economically than…

Case study: Employer brand building at SAP

The German company SAP is a leading provider of enterprise software.…

An experiment with salaries that ultimately failed

In April 2015, US businessman Dan Price, owner of Gravity Payments in…

Why do employees hate their jobs?

Everybody sometimes hates their job. So if your employees do not show every…

Study: Hard times for recruitment on social networks

Earlier this year, Universum, a company focusing on employer branding,…

The collapse of performance evaluation systems

The consulting company Accenture is one of the biggest employers in the…

Czech Republic has the second lowest unemployment rate in the EU

Unemployment in the Czech Republic continues to decline. In June, the…

Listing 118 to 130 out of 255